the happy cat
shows its full belly.
claws like jaws.
gag reflex
cod liver oils
pleasant from what you offer.
give me the spoonful.
clap trapping mad hatters
the verbal vomit
that spews from your lips.
you think you speak of nectar.
but the ideology you promote
would embarrass adolf hitler.
some things are better
when they’re left unsaid.
just like the living
don’t mind the dead
for they mind themselves.
i never offered a penny
for your acrid thoughts
and they’re not worth the time
spent on my dime.
you’d think you had two mouths
and one ear.
yet even the carnivores
won’t let you near.
you bore them to tears
like a babbling brook of fears.
is there ever a mute button
you useless sack of mutton.
but that’s unkind
to the sheep that were murdered
by shepherds like you that herded
them to their deaths.
but not from vitriolic vitriol.
i think you’ve lost your hat
that you made of tinfoil
and i wish you’d stuff your claptrap
with a gargoyle.
that be more pleasant to see
than your cacophony i’m trying to flee.
i’d say get behind me satan
but you’d still stutter and stumble
over the words you mutter that don’t matter.
your incessant chatter
you lily livered mad hatter.
be quiet damn you
there’s actual work to be done
by the brave few.
butcher barons
the old waiting room
filled with bowed backs and sad hearts.
butchers called doctors.
free flying
a bird in the hand
would rather be in the tree.
love sets it all free.
wind swept
the gray sparrow knows
the way the fickle wind blows.
standing on firm ground.