the belly of the beast turns over.
hunger gnaws from the inside.
like a growing fetus with sharp
clawing maws.
it will feed on the insides.
the blood and guts
and the sinew and marrow.
from this abortion comes
forth a monster.
a monster from this beast’s belly.
and inside the mind it buries
itself like a burr.
a scratching, scraping burr.
a spur on the backside of
shit kickers.
but i am full.
well fed.
a large meal of turds
in belly bled.
and yet this monster.
the monster from the beast’s belly.
will not stay satiated.
it eats me too.
from the inside out.
a hollow man.
i walk on broken sticks.
the white of my heel.
the bone grinding to meal.
the gritting of teeth.
to hide the nattering beneath.