in the yawning night
the blackbird sings of murder.
the blood runs at dawn.
wing and a prayer
the bird likes flowers
but disappears into stone.
air lifts her gray wings.
yellow jacket racket
the yellow metal body
rides the black rubber wheels
upon the brown scarred earth.
the barb is sharp and clawing.
the sting is deep and gnawing.
the vein punctured and spilling.
blood, thick and black and burning.
this metal wasp, this yellow jacket.
like fleas crawling upon its body.
driven by ants, bipedal and ruddy.
stripping skin and sinew.
digging up marrow and marble.
draining arteries of blood and bile.
feeding on the living corpse with a smile.
celebrating the tamed mile with guile.
choking on the future defiled.
right way
in the milky way
the stars might shine a bright white
but the cows are safe.
flower power
where are the flowers
from all of april’s showers?
promises not kept.
bloody sky
the slant of white snow.
pins of ice cutting the sky.
bleeding wet and clear.