crumbs from the table
not enough to feed the dog.
remaining hungry.
caution ahead
the many unknowns.
giving inch unravelling miles.
cautionary tales.
care wear
in the mirror i saw myself stare
not really knowing the man standing there
i took a step back
did a jumping jack
and thought what the fuck do i care.
machinations and incantations
turning a new leaf.
hoping for some small relief.
cogs in the machine.
a little nick
i once knew a guy named nick
with an incredibly small prick
his wife was once in a hurry
she said let me rub it with curry
and that’s how nick became eunuch
boo hoo
there once was a man with a zoo
who stared at the birds as they flew
so one day he made
wings from a spade
said the wife at the funeral of lou