the mind slips clutching
at straws of reality.
abused and pummeled.
heal to heel
the lush verdant green
embraces our wondering souls.
healing in action.
running companion
with me and then against me.
wind between my knees.
shiny broken pieces
i want to see the sky smile
a big beaming blue face.
i want to conquer the divide
feel the tug of your embrace.
i want to roll up the day
like an old worn carpet
and throw it away.
i want to pause that moment in time
abdicate the upcoming crime.
i want to shake the heavens
wipe the smirk off god’s face.
i want him to kneel on bended knee
just to see how small and vulnerable we be.
i want to tear open the earth
sweep away all the drivel and dearth.
i want to bend the time into space
so you can live in perfect grace.
but this blood and bone and my continual moan
i am just unknown far away from home.
no prodigal son
not missed by anyone
my fingers bled dry to the bone
a nub of chalk i scribble my koan
i have no official business
i have no power over limness
everything was limitless
except my powers they limited to this.
the wishing is all that’s left
tucked into my big bag of bereft
a hollow thing of magnificent heft
and though wishing for horses
never gave beggars a ride
i want to open up this wide world
and pluck from its throat a pearl
to cast before swine
for even though the drunkard’s anesthetic is wine
i’ll walk this razor line
and maybe in time
the effort that’s mine
will rise and perhaps that day will come
when my sun will shine.
breezes sneezes
the chatting brown leaves.
a thousand happy faces.
breathy soft breezes.
face time
the clicking seconds
of the indignant round face.
the slow farce of time.